Primer I: Lesson 5: Review
i Grammar
i.i Lesson 1
- In the sentence 'I am Aaron, and you are found' which phrase uses which 'to be?'
i.ii Lesson 2
- What are the roots of ablar and yesar?
- In the sentence, 'I will eat you and them', what is in the accusative? What in the nominative?
i.iii Lesson 3
- What are the roots of azar and diar?
- In the sentence, "I am a green cat, the green cat of Mary, and I am going to John', what is in the dative, and what in the genitive?
i.iv Lesson 4
- What is the past tense of to start? To run? To stop?
- What is the general ending affixed to those verbs? [Note: this has not been taught, just think about it, and see if you can figure it out.]
ii Lisiesar
ii.i Instructions
- This is the entire story up till now. It has no vocabulary at the end. The test is to translate it into English. Don't worry, though, you should know it all! If you don't get it right the first time, go through it a couple of times. If you have to, check the dictionary. Go until you are certain of your translation. Good luck. Risar kan. [Do well.]
ii.ii The Story
Lisiesar kesar andr las stanas. Liesar bendsa. Rum liesar bendsa? Il liesar. Rum liesar? Il liesar Lisiesar.
Lisiesar yesar abra las stanas, lum carum lios. Liablar sias caras. Rum liablar sias caras? Il liablar. Tiablar sias caras? Ben, tiablar. Ai nium yesar na, tera liyesar andr las stanas, il liyesar sium carum sios ondos lios.
Lisiesar azar andr las stanas, ya lilestar sias ombranas. Lidiar, "Nai esar tios kening?"
L'ombran diar, "Mios kening esar Lisimazar. Ya tios?"
"Esar bend, Lisiesar."
"Esar bend, Lisiazar."
Lisiesar yesar lios ondos Carum, ya lestar lios ondu. Lidiar, "I tiesar, mios ondu?"
"Bend, bend. Ya ti?"
Lisiesar rolarai lios Carum yesar. Ma liwandarai las stanas lios carum, si omran stenarai lias. L’omran esarai Lisiazar. Lisiazar diarai, “I tiesar, mios ondu?”
“Miesar kan, ya ti?”
“Miesar kan. Nai tirisar?”
“Miyesar mios carum.”
“Kan, kan. Sarkan!”
Ma Liazar mazarai, Lisiesar yesarai lios carum umna las stanas. Si omran esarai temar. L’omran diarai liesarai Lisidiar. Lisiesar diarai, “I tiesar?” Ya l’omram yesarai andr las stanas.
You have completed the first primer. Now move on to the second one for more grammar, and a completer understanding of Diarenyë!