I. Le gaya tel ablai las faras diarenyas, ya las faras dias.
I. The entire world had the same language, and the same speech.
II. Ma omanya yesarai lum aurum, diristai sia soldas umna las Telingas Senaaros.
II. When men went eastward, the found the valley in the land of Senaar.
III. Didiarai alambrum, “Ai nium risar nengya ya hunar dias.” Dibanarai nengya lo seyai ya
bitumen lo initu.
III. The said to each other, “Let us make bricks, and bake them.” The used bricks for
stones and bitumen for mortar.
IV. Tera didiarai, “Ai nium risar nium sia veanas, se ablar sia lirumas ya leos torlingum
umna laya torya. Ai nium risar nium sia keningas, umna le shaira se nitulse gaymun
umna las Telas.
IV. Then the said, “Let us make us a city, that has a tower with its top in the heavens. Let
us make us a name, in the fear that we shall scatter all over the earth.
V. Le Athel kesarai lestar las veanas, ya las lirumas, se omanya ablai risar.
V. The Lord came to see the city, and the tower, that men had made.
VI. Ya le Athel diarai, “Ben, diesar si omai, ya niablar las faras diarenyas. Sa esar le rora
remos nirisare. Ma sa vetar mazarai, nistenare te. Ai nium yesar andr, ya motlar dios
diaras, se nikonshare te alambras.
VI. And the Lord said, “Yes, the are on people, and they have one language. This is the
begining of what they will do. When this is finished [hereafter], they will not stop.
Let us go down. and change there speech, that the will not understand
VI. Le Athel tulse dias nor las veanas gaymun umna las Telas; ya distenarai las veanas
risar. Ya leesar Babel, il tera le Athel motlai las diaras los Telos. Nor tera le Athel tulsai
dias gaymun umna las Telas.
VI. The Lord scattered them from the city to everywhere on the Earth; and they stopped
making the city. And it was Babel, because there the Lord changed the speech of the
Earth. From there the Lord scattered them to everywhere on the Earth.
I. Le gaya Tel ablai las faras diarenyas, ya la faras diaras.
II. Ma omanya yesarai lum aurum, diristai si soldas umna las Telingas Senaaros.
III. Didiarai alambrum, “Ai nium risar nengya ya hunar dias.” Dibanarai nengya lo seyai ya bitumen lo initu.
IV. Tera Didiarai, “Ai nium risar nium sia veanas, se ablar sia lirumas ya leos torlingum umna layas Toryas. Ai nium risar nium sia keningas, umna le shaira, se nitulse gaymun umna las Telas.”
V. Le Athel kesarai lesat las veanas, ya las lirumas, se omanya ablai risar.
VI. Ya le Athel diarai, “Ben, diesar si omai, ya niablar las faras diarenyas. Sa esar le rora remos nirisare. Ma sa vetar mazarai, nistenare te. AI nium yesar andr, ya motlar dios diaras, se nikonshare te alambras.
VII. Le Athel tulse dias nor las veanas gaymun umna las Telas; ya distenarai las veanas risar. Ya leesar Babel, il tera le Athel motlai las diaras los Telos. Nor tera le Athel tulsai dias gaymun umna las Telas.